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Ablation Procedures

Venous Disease

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Approximately 30-40 million people have symptomatic chronic venous insufficiency, with only 1.7 million seeking treatment annually. That leaves over 38 million people with untreated venous disease. There is a common misconception that the appearance of veins is a cosmetic disorder. Failure to recognize the link between venous reflux disease with swelling, leg cramps, nocturnal restless legs, skin changes and venous ulcerations can have patients feeling hopeless.

Nearly 80% of non-healing leg wounds are due to chronic venous insufficiency. This makes it the most under diagnosed disease with approximately 94% of vein disease being missed by standard venous ultrasound.


Chronic venous insufficiency is a disorder affecting men and woman of all ages and races, mostly due to genetic factors. Other components include obesity, multiple pregnancies, standing or strenuous occupations, as well as a history of deep vein thrombosis. Venous insufficiency occurs when the valves in the vein, which propels blood up to the heart, become damaged and diseased. This causes vein valves to spread further apart, losing their ability to close properly. Damaged valves allows blood to flow down toward the ankles and pool in the legs causing a variety of uncomfortable symptoms.

Clinical Signs to look for!

Assistance with Venous Ablation Procedures

Treatment for chronic venous insufficiency disease can be administered right in your practice, for patients optimal comfort. This minimally invasive procedure uses Radio-frequency waves to “heat” the diseased part of the vein closed. After closure the blood will automatically re-route to a healthier working system, allowing for increased circulation of venous flow. Over time the treated vein will shrink and be absorbed through the body. Venous Ablation procedures allow for a quick, comfortable, and painless recovery, giving patients the ability to return to normal activities the same day. After treatment, patients will notice a decrease in symptoms related to venous insufficiency, as the venous blood flow normalizes. Veins viable for treatment include the Great Saphenous veins, Small Saphenous veins, Accessory veins, and Perforating veins.

Ambulatory Phlebectomy

Varicose veins occur when there is an increased pressure in the venous system, caused by weakened or damaged valves. This causes a bulging in the veins right under the skin surface, that can be painful and unpleasant to the eye. There is a simple solution called a Ambulatory Phlebectomy. Local anesthesia is administered, and small incisions are made to remove or break up the diseased vein. This procedure provides exceptionally appealing results, and relief for patients.

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

This is a minimally invasive procedure performed on larger perforating veins, or segments of Saphenous veins, that are unable to be treated using Radio-frequency Ablation. It is used for segments that are unreasonably close to nerves, or portions that are too tortuous for a catheter to go through. This procedure uses a foamed sclerosing agent to chemically shut down the diseased vein, by agitating it’s cellular wall. Blood flow will then,  re-direct to a more competent venous system, alleviating symptoms associated with venous disease.

Cosmetic Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is performed on superficial veins. It uses a diluted sclerosing agent, to chemically shut down, small diseased veins. This will improve their appearance, while also reducing itching and burning symptoms related to the disease. This procedure is minimally invasive, and requires little to no downtime. Sclerotherapy is typically performed on the legs for conditions such as telangiectasis, venulectasis, and reticular ectasis.

South Florida Vascular Imaging strives to give your patients the finest medical care, while giving your practice the dependability and professionalism, needed to run an efficient vein program. Your practice will notice an immediate increase in revenue, while also giving your patients the familiarity of being treated, right in your office. Our soul mission is dedicated to your patients best interest and well being, while providing your practice with exceptional service.

Our Mission

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